A Black History Month Culmination
February 22nd 11:00am-3:00pm

Free and open to all. RSVP via the link below.

Join us for a day of work­shops, per­for­mances, and cel­e­bra­tions for all ages that will cre­ate com­mu­ni­ty and ele­vate Black voic­es. Through this day-long event, we will work togeth­er to cre­ate a safe and nur­tur­ing space for self care and reflec­tion where par­tic­i­pants can tune in to their needs, hon­or their feel­ings, and begin to return to themselves.

Event sched­ule com­ing soon. 

Pre­sent­ed in part­ner­ship with A Safe Space Mentor

RSVP to join

Asafespace Support Group
February 24th 7:00-8:00PM

Join us for a one hour therapeutic support group in person session with our Asafespace Mental health counselor Moradeyo Adeyi.

We will hold these support groups once a month every month. To provide support through group therapy and sharing. This support group is inspired by traditional 12-step meetings but has our own Safespace take.

In this support group you can expect

  • Grounding+release meditation

  •   A safe container to share your feelings & gain support.

  • Light refreshments.

This event is now at full capacity.

Traphaus X Asafespace Black History Month Collab
February 27th 6:35-7:35PM

TRAPHAUS is disrupting fitness by fusing the raw energy of house music with its mission to reshape pilates as a Black-owned and Black-led studio, set against NYC’s vibrant Lower East Side. As the first Black-owned studio in NYC to combine lifting and reformer Pilates, our signature 50-minute switch-style workouts fuse low-impact Xformer techniques with hypertrophy training. These sessions are powered by the pulsating beats of trap and house music, curated by world-class DUs.

TRAPHAUS is where fitness meets culture, and music drives transformation.

Experience an evening of powerful pilates and community connection with ASAFESPACEMENTOR & Traphaus to celebrate Black History Month. 

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