Connecting Within PT.2

Connecting Within Retreat PT.2… Do you see the shared joy in this image below? Well that pretty much sums up our time together. A week long retreat shared between 12 women in Mazunte, OAX, Mexico. We spent our time shedding the skin of our past selves & stepping into the power of rebirth. We held each other on this journey of self reflection & deep healing. We cried, laughed, danced, nourished our bodies, hiked, swam, meditated, and most importantly rested. Maha Rose & Lisa Levine guided us through many mindful workshops and healing group activities that allowed us to truly connect within. Our founder Teya guided us through a forgiveness practice. Lauren Schramm facilitated a breath work workshop followed by personal guided ice bath sessions. The week was truly full. Every person there played their part in holding space & showing up for themselves & each other with love. Thank you to our outer circle holders Jasmine Dayze & Tahirah Jarret for providing support. El Triangulo for housing us. Thank you Maybelline Brave Together Initiative for sponsoring and partnering with us on this important & impactful opportunity.

Our Group Hike at Punta Cometa in Mazunte


Release & Transformation Retreat


A Time to be Still Retreat